hanya nak kongsi insiden yg berlaku di masjid kpg "s.k." subuh tadi. as usual, i was quite late... after sujud sajadah baru sampai... nak jadik cerita, bro sebelah punya handset boleh berbunyi la pulak! aise, rasa uncomfortable... kuat plak tu. imam punya bacaan nyaring, surah panjang... boleh cover skit. dah rakaat ke2, bunyik lagi! sambil rukuk sampai le doa qunut phone dia berbunyi. aduss, tak kusyuk le jadiknya... cuak gak nanti jemaah lain ingat kot phone tu kita yg punya...
di luar jangkaan, lepas bagi salam... bbp jemaah dah toleh belakang sambil marah2.
bro tu pulak tgh kluarkan phone dr poket bj melayu dia... teman beransur ke belakang.
pakcik2 tu nampak bro ngan phonenya. pehhh, tetiba pakcik tu cakap : "bodoh ke?"
kesian bro tu. nak buat camana, kan? buat dek aje la. yg teman tak paham, ngapa dia tak
tutup masa phone tu berbunyik? dlm solat boleh buat pergerakan yg dikira perlu (emergency la tu, kan?) asal jgn berturut 3 kali. kalu setakat angkat tgn masuk poket tekan phone rasanya boleh.
so, moral of the story, jgn bawak phone kalau nak jemaah... kalau terbawak, silentkan. kalu terlupa, bila bunyik, cepat2 la tutup! kalau tak, kena la cam bro tadi...
- “Katakanlah: Jika kamu (benar-benar) mencintai Allah, ikutilah aku (Rasulullah s.a.w.), niscaya Allah mengasihi dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (QS. Ali 'Imraan, 3:31)
- لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا “Sesungguhnya telah ada pada (diri) Rasulullah itu suri teladan yang baik bagimu (iaitu) bagi orang yang mengharap (rahmat) Allah dan (kedatangan) hari kiamat dan dia banyak menyebut Allah.” (QS. Al Ahzab, 33:21)
Pakcik & Makcik

Teringat 14 tahun dulu...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Poor guy!
salam to all...
just wanna share... i hit a motorbike this morning! poor guy... tergolek that bro... actually, it was raining... not heavy but the road got very wet... approaching the junction, i saw a lorry was about to come out... i warned with high light... but the lorry moved out just like that. that bro with his bike infront slowed down... i hit the brake but... out of control... there it was... tergolek la.
lucky the guy not hurt seriuosly. he was not angry (maybe still shocked!) and i apologized. i gave him 50 and asked him to go to clinic. oh Allah... i thank HIM for the reminder. just imagine if he was sending his kids to school during the incident! i'll be more careful next time. i know the feeling.. coz i was once hit by a car too!
another thing...
there was a session in the hall by jabatan penjara... really made me realize how important this life is and more important is how we live our life... so, be good, obey all rules... especially what Allah and Nabi SAW told us...
just wanna share... i hit a motorbike this morning! poor guy... tergolek that bro... actually, it was raining... not heavy but the road got very wet... approaching the junction, i saw a lorry was about to come out... i warned with high light... but the lorry moved out just like that. that bro with his bike infront slowed down... i hit the brake but... out of control... there it was... tergolek la.
lucky the guy not hurt seriuosly. he was not angry (maybe still shocked!) and i apologized. i gave him 50 and asked him to go to clinic. oh Allah... i thank HIM for the reminder. just imagine if he was sending his kids to school during the incident! i'll be more careful next time. i know the feeling.. coz i was once hit by a car too!
another thing...
there was a session in the hall by jabatan penjara... really made me realize how important this life is and more important is how we live our life... so, be good, obey all rules... especially what Allah and Nabi SAW told us...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Continue Living...
Alhamdulillah. it has been a long time since my last update. not really bz but things kept me away from this area for sometime. how's life? as for me... being a teacher in smjk poi lam is quite ok la. still trying to get use with everything. only thing in some occasion, feel upset with my failure in educating the pupils to behave well. camana nak baik kalau they don't really understand my language! if only i can speak in their language...
let's leave that and move to other issues.
lately i am not feeling comfortable. this is very much related with my mother's condition. she has not feeling well for a cuple of weeks. only Allah knows how i wanted very much to pay her a visit everyday... but i can't afford. just being able to pray and ask Allah to assisst her. sian mak... how i wish she'd prefer to stay with us. Ya Allah, peliharakanlah mak, sejahtera dan bahagiakanlah mak...
regarding my future planning...
i dare not plan too advance now. hoping the letter will come sooner. but waiting is hurting me. tried sending sms to the person who called me before but nothing! believe in anything that Allah is giving must be the best for me... i am now tawakkaltualallah... may HE shows me the path to a happier life... now and then.
well, need to go.
will continue later.
let's leave that and move to other issues.
lately i am not feeling comfortable. this is very much related with my mother's condition. she has not feeling well for a cuple of weeks. only Allah knows how i wanted very much to pay her a visit everyday... but i can't afford. just being able to pray and ask Allah to assisst her. sian mak... how i wish she'd prefer to stay with us. Ya Allah, peliharakanlah mak, sejahtera dan bahagiakanlah mak...
regarding my future planning...
i dare not plan too advance now. hoping the letter will come sooner. but waiting is hurting me. tried sending sms to the person who called me before but nothing! believe in anything that Allah is giving must be the best for me... i am now tawakkaltualallah... may HE shows me the path to a happier life... now and then.
well, need to go.
will continue later.
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